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Photos 2.0 What’s New

Live Training Session 304

Photos 2.0 What's New

Live Training Session 304

Duration: 00:37 hr

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We explore the new features in Photos 2 on macOS Sierra and iOS 10 — in a planned, proper fashion. Unlike last week's “first look”, here we (mostly) know what to expect and to explore.

In this session we looked at…

  • Siri search
  • Memories module; and how to edit them (or rather, how to work around the fact that you can't!)
  • Memories slide shows, and how to edit those… at least, where you can
  • Photo Details
  • The new Brilliance Slider
  • Markup for your photos
  • Live Photo editing

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Photos 2.0 What's New

Live Training Session 304

Duration: 00:37 hr

Become a member and get unlimited streaming and heavily discounted downloads of premium content, and 20% off discounts most items in the store!

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