Angelbird CFexpress B v4 & SSD2GO PKT
Photo Moment - March 04, 2025
SD media is yesterday's media. It's slow, it's expensive, it's low capacity, and it's fragile! Upgrade your camera with SSD or CFexpress Type B support, and save both TIME and MONEY!
Products Mentioned
- 🪽 Angelbird SSD2GO PKT
- 🪽 Angelbird AV PRO SE CFexpress B v4
- 🪽 Angelbird Card Reader PKT CFexpress B
- 🪽 Angelbird Mounting Bracket PKT
- 🪽 Angelbird Media Tank CFexpress B
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📄 Full Video Transcript
I didn't add music to this video… partially because the auto dubbing to other languages is cleaner without music in the background, and partially because picking music is hard and no one every says they like it, but sometimes people complain if the mix isn't perfect. What do you think? Music or no music? Did you miss not having it? Did you even notice?
Honestly didn't notice. I'm thinking of going without in my "normal" videos also, for speed reasons, though I think a little music with the intro or outro is nice.
@@photojosephvery ! You play like a news alert doc like intro?😅 .idk how or what i was trying to explain here but i think its part of the show as standard 😊whatever you do is Aok💯❤️🔥🫡
Your the creator😅lets🎉💯🫡Thank You
when I left my old job, I was allowed to keep something. I kept the XQD cards. 😊
Always nice to walk away with something!
Look up ssds(2230 ssds) inside a CFexpress Type B adapter. I have the ZITAY CFexpress Type B Card to NVME M.2 2230 SSD Adapter.
@techknowbabble thanks for the additional info. “Best Buy” is the name of what we call a big-box electronics store — the kind of place where you can buy a television, your washer and dryer, a new camera, a laptop computer… you get the idea. Not a specialized camera store and certainly not where you buy the best and most expensive gear. Just your basic electronics story that carries anything and everything. So, where you would buy a cheap Samsung SSD because you’re shopping by price per gigabyte and not paying attention to the specs.
@@photojoseph Yeah this video is not for the DIYers but when they realize it isn't(like i did) they may come down to the comments section to find me. I often learn more than a video can provide in the comments section. 2230 SSDs are smaller than CFexpress Type B cards. With an enclosure (i have a SABRENT EC-NE30 for example) it would still even be smaller than the Angelbird Card Reader PKT CFexpress B you have attached to the camera. A 2230 SSD is about $180 + $20-$30 the enclosure way cheaper than just the Type B card itself and the "same size" of CFexpress Type B. I personally believe looking at the technical specification that Type B is really just a 2230 SSD(they both are using PCIe 4), but that just me. Again i'm just providing options not saying one is better than the other. Never heard of Best Buy-grade drives but that doesn't sound trustworthy.
@techknowbabble to answer “why”, I’d say size. The NVMe m.2 sticks are big, so that’s a big thing attached to the camera. Plus again readymade is what most people want. There’s often a faster/cheaper way to DIY things, and to your point your comment is for them. This video isn’t for them ☺️ I could explore the idea of making a DIY video, too. Would be an interesting comparison. Maybe also to compare to the Best Buy-grade drives that people keep commenting “you Can’T dO MatH; tHOsE arE CHeApER” about. 🤔
@@photojoseph depends on the issue, and skill level is. The adapter isn't any different from buying an adapter to put the SSD from your laptop into. I get everyone is different and my comment is for those who are like me, not someone who "just wants to plug it it and it works and they can forget about it". I use adapters all the time without issue. I also put in a low powered SSD from Kioxia (which is one of the 2 or 3 total companies that makes memory for all the other companies).
Actually when you think about it why even even use CFexpress Type B Card just get a small NVME M.2 2230 SSD Adapter over USB-C and be done with the whole thing. My 2230 SSD is a low power 3500Mbps SSD. Those transfers should go way faster than any Type B Card reader. I would love to see that video!
Actually when you think about it why even even use CFexpress Type B Card just get a small NVME M.2 2230 SSD Adapter over USB-C and be done with the whole thing. My 2230 SSD is a low power 3500Mbps SSD. Those transfers should go way faster than any Type B Card reader. I would love to see that video!
That’s cool, although most users probably don’t want to DIY their camera memory. When something goes wrong, which manufacturer will take responsibility? The case or the memory manufacturer?
My math is considerably different from your math. I can buy 4Tb Crucial X9 SSD for $238. That's basically the same price as a 1 TB CF Express. And no reader required
@@photojoseph re: Nowhere near
I get 950 MB/s write speeds. a ProGrade Digital CFExpress gets 1295 MB/s. I'd call that "near". I understand the Sports photographer might need every MB/s he can get. to me CFExpress is an expensive option only beneficial to a few pros. I"m not doing high speed photos. For me, 950 is plenty fast enough for video.
It's sad my Mac Studio can't handle multi-lane TB speeds. There's no advantage for the X10 over the X9 or a CFexpress.
I get 950 MB/s write speeds. a ProGrade Digital CFExpress gets 1295 MB/s. I'd call that "near". I understand the Sports photographer might need every MB/s he can get. to me CFExpress is an expensive option only beneficial to a few pros. I"m not doing high speed photos. For me, 950 is plenty fast enough for video.
It's sad my Mac Studio can't handle multi-lane TB speeds. There's no advantage for the X10 over the X9 or a CFexpress.
That is a portable storage drive, and nowhere near capable of recording content at the sustained speeds needed for camera recording. I just looked it up and they don’t even list their write speed — only the maximum, “up to” read speed of 1,050MB/s. That will not sustain for more than a few seconds. And again, that’s read. Doesn’t do any good if the camera stops recording after a few seconds because the write speed is too slow.
What a bs shill video for overpriced CFExpress accesories - If you're using USB anyway, what's the point exactly to get a PKT 4TB drive for $649.99 when can get e.g. a Samsung T7 4TB for $270 instead?
@@theseenaus "Photo" Joseph (not "ProVideoIngest"Joseph mind you) can do as many shill videos as he likes - It's just that I can't stand YT channel's throwing away their former reputation and do lazy ads nowadays. There are enough others, like the ones e.g. promoting only "el cheapo lenses almost as good as Leica" - fun to watch once in a while, but surely not worth a subscription.
So that's where I'm unsubscribing - but sure, maybe I'm the only one thinking this way..
So that's where I'm unsubscribing - but sure, maybe I'm the only one thinking this way..
@@salat it was clearly outlined that the SSD was cheaper per Gb than the other options (19c vs 30c, close to half the price), the point of the video was to show the transfer speeds, and it is here that the time saves $$$ for those of us transferring heavy video content. So the content was clealy aligned to Angelbird and quite clearly identified how @photojoseph got the product, but when you are playing in this space, there are very few providers that are approved for use in devices like the BMD gear. If I want to double check if Angelbird will compete with Wise or Prograde I can do the research, having this dataset comparing one suppliers product across the different product types was the point and allows the watcher to ascertain what type of data storage will suit them best. Will I blindly go out and buy Angelbird gear because of this video? No. But if Angelbird stacks up for my use case, you can bet your bottom dollar I will click on the link and support the maker for putting the content out there. This was not a video for IT related data storage, the hint is in the name "Photo" Joseph...
@@salat 1. I’m not here to impress people who insult me, so, uh, no
2. If you like DIY building your own solutions, good on you. Most people want to buy something that works, and works really well.
3. People get paid for ads. I didn’t get paid for this. And if you think getting some gear to review constitutes getting paid, when the last thing I need is yet another card reader or memory card on my shelf, then you’re a bigger idiot than I thought. I’m reviewing a very good product. Since you’re one of those viewers that seems to think any positive review is an ad, then please unsubscribe and just go watch videos made by haters. Goodbye.
2. If you like DIY building your own solutions, good on you. Most people want to buy something that works, and works really well.
3. People get paid for ads. I didn’t get paid for this. And if you think getting some gear to review constitutes getting paid, when the last thing I need is yet another card reader or memory card on my shelf, then you’re a bigger idiot than I thought. I’m reviewing a very good product. Since you’re one of those viewers that seems to think any positive review is an ad, then please unsubscribe and just go watch videos made by haters. Goodbye.
@@photojoseph I'm not a photographer for living, I'm an IT guy - You could make a video about the "difference of interfaces like CFExpress and NAND types and why adapting CFExpress storage via USB to the camera (which can't use the speed of CFExpress this way) is an absolute waste" to impress me - but I guess you're just doing ads now..
EDIT: Adapting an enterprise grade SSD to USB would still be cheaper than your "advertisement"!
EDIT: Adapting an enterprise grade SSD to USB would still be cheaper than your "advertisement"!
Say what you want my friend, but the simple fact that you think the T7 is the same thing shows how little you know. That storage can’t sustain read or write times due to its architecture, is fragile, overheats, and is know to corrupt data. That’s the “point exactly”. Next time you come here not knowing what you’re talking about, try asking respectfully instead of opening with an insult.
A samsung 990 pro is about 11 cents a gig and around 7k MB/s. We use these in inexpensive housings for on cam then can pop them out if we need to offload at about 500GB a minute. That's about half the price of your cheapest option, more than twice as fast as your fastest option, and all that on one of the most highly rated drives for durability.
@ ok, so… a very different solution. If I do a video on DIY storage, with a DIT and a tower computer on set with a PCIe NVMe interface, then I’ll include that. For a turnkey solution that’s compact, robust and ready to use — there’s not much that competes with this.
@@photojoseph like i said we use a cheap housing while on camera, then if we want to offload we remove the drive from the housing. I believe our dit connects them by pcie, and yes they dump at about 2 min for a 1 TB card.
500GB per minute? That’s 66Gbps, which is faster than Thunderbolt 4, and nearing thunderbolt 5 maximum speeds. The OWC Thunderbolt 5 SSD advertises 6000MB/s (48Gbps) which is still well under what you’re claiming. I’d love to be proven wrkng but I think you’ve got some numbers wrong. The raw NVMe media is that cheap and that fast, yes, but you need an interface for it. And, it’s physically bigger. Not something you pop on top of your S9II. These aren’t DIY solutions I’m showing here, they’re ready to go. And don’t forget that many cameras have CFeB slots in them. Not too many can take NVMe! I’d love to know what interface you pop them into though.
I was hoping you gonna say that every manufacturer is going to switch to CF-express this year :D.
Yeah CFeA really isn't a great format. Like VHS and betamax… the industry just has to make things and see what wins! And while I totally understand not wanting things attached to the camera, for really intense shooting, CFeB does get quite hot -- so having it external does have a thermal advantage. I don't know if it matters practically, but I'd imagine if you're in a hot environment and shooting high bitrate to CFeB, having it external would probably be a really good idea.
@@photojoseph I know, I bought 3 v30 512GB SD cards 30% cheaper (for 3) than one 256GB v90 SD card.
Also CF-express type A from Anglebird has more or less the same price as this SD v90 and is like 5-10x slower offloading footage.
Lately I do not like anything dangling on USB cable from the camera. But with prices of CF-B it's not that bad of the idea.
Also CF-express type A from Anglebird has more or less the same price as this SD v90 and is like 5-10x slower offloading footage.
Lately I do not like anything dangling on USB cable from the camera. But with prices of CF-B it's not that bad of the idea.
Haha they should!! And I’m sure they will eventually. SD is at its limits and getting way too expensive.
Hi Joseph, it’s been a while. I see you’re still up to making great videos and intriguing content. Thanks for all the hard work and research!
@ Consider it done! I’m excited to see what you’ve been up to last couple of years! I’ve just had my head in a different space for a while, and decided to treat myself with my favorite entertainment(ers)
Heya! Thanks! And if you haven’t seen anything inna while; scroll back! I’ve definitely made a few videos recently 😄
Did you go from dollars $ 💵 to euros € 💶?
I listed retail prices without tax/VAT as the manufacturers published them.
Can you guide me why nvme ssd with enclosure is not good for camera?
Its speed is better and cheaper too.
Its speed is better and cheaper too.
It’s not about the speed of the memory; it’s the speed of the interface. And that interface has to be compatible with USB 3.2 as well as US before. Lots of variables.
This is again thoroughly explaining the good and bad points and excellent overall analysis is a tour de force.
Thank you, kindly! I appreciate the appreciation ☺️
IDK why they don't all do USB-C export. There are a bunch of CFE-B products now that you can plug in an external writer. Very small to put on a cage. Kondor Blue has one for iphone specifically. Or, just use a small SSD.
It's extra tech to build in; there's an entire data path to output the files over USB-C, and of course the bandwidth needed. If a camera is just going to use USB for charging or webcam, that's totally different than the full data that normally goes to the card. So, it costs money, and therefore only shows up in the higher end cameras. 🤷🏼♂️
Love type B! Is S9 ssd record supported?Thank You
No, unfortunately the S9 doesn’t do SSD 😢 But yeah I agree… love CFeB; it’s SO FAST!!!
Great review Joseph as always ! I can't decide which card I should take for the S1RII, should I go with 1TB 2300mb/s WS or 2TB 3500mb/s WS ? Thanks 🙏
oh! LOL… OK, so first off, look at the sustained write, not max write speeds. So that's 2100MB/s for the 1TB card and 3150MB/s for the 2TB card. That translates to 16.8 Gbps and 25.2 Gbps. The S1RII will eventually do 8.1K open gate, and various internal RAW, but I don't have bitrates for those yet. That said… the GH7's maximum ProRes RAW codec is 4.2 Gbps, so clearly way way below the maximum of those cards. If your primary intention is to shoot still photos though, then every bit counts for clearing that buffer. If you're shooting action sports with the camera, and you regularly squeeze off hundreds of frames in a second, then yea… go for the faster card. You'll notice the difference. The good news is, you don't save money by buying 2x 1TB cards vs 1x 2TB card. So if you know you want 2TB, just go for it! (and please use my links in description 😅)
Excellent! Packed with so much info and well presented. Now off to learn if my camera supports that recording to USB-C.
Good call on the music. Tech videos are always better without music behind them. I find it distracting, useless, and often tool loud.
Good call on the music. Tech videos are always better without music behind them. I find it distracting, useless, and often tool loud.
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