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Hardware: SD Cards

Your won't be able to get many shots/much footage without any memory to save it on. Make sure you have an SD Card

Get Yours Here

Angelbird CFexpress B v4 & SSD2GO PKT

SD media is yesterday's media. It's slow, it's expensive, it's low capacity, and it's fragile! Upgrade your camera with SSD or CFexpress Type B support, and save both TIME and MONEY!


V60 vs V90 SD Cards ► Is V90 worth it?

This video compares the ProGrade V60 to the V90 cards. V90 costs over 2x V60, so is it worth it? We compared both read and write performance between the two cards, additionally testing the new dual SD card reader from ProGrade. 


XQD Memory; The Overlooked Benefits

Walter Rowe's picture
September 18, 2018 - 6:00pm

Favoring XQD over SD in some new cameras has gotten bad press, but they may have missed an important aspect of the roadmap—XQD can be updated to CF Express!


LUMIX G9 Autofocus ► Tested at a SOU Women’s College Basketball Game

I wanted to really test the autofocus capabilities of the LUMIX G9, so I brought it to a SOU Women's College Basketball game to capture the action. Sports Photography may not be MY strong point, but this camera makes up for it. You can easily see how well the autofocus tracks the fast-paced movement. It is definitely one of the best sports cameras on the market.

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