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App: Apple Aperture

Showing the Content of Two Projects or Albums Side by Side in Aperture 3

Rudy Ephraim's picture
September 20, 2013 - 9:00pm

It is possible to show two browser or filmstrip windows side by side in the following way:

In the Library Inspector select the two albums or projects with the Option/Alt key pressed. One album plus one project is also possible.

Immediately both choices are visible as split browsers/filmstrips with tabs showing the album/project name and an x for closing. The dividing line can be dragged to left or right and the magnification of each part can be adjusted individually with the sliders at the bottom.


The news will return soon, promise…

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 19, 2013 - 5:45am

Hi all. I’ve been SO GOOD at getting a post on here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon PST for months now that this lack of posts two days in a row must have you curious! Nothing bad, it’s just been an extremely busy week. I leave next week on holiday for TWO weeks, and will be queuing up posts this weekend to span the duration of my absence (at least that’s the plan). I should have something for you this Friday, too.


Will the September 10 Apple Event Be Good for Aperture?

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 10, 2013 - 4:00am

What do you think… are we going to see anything Aperture related tomorrow? I’ve received several emails with thoughts and rumors, but don’t typically like to post those things on the site. But here’s your chance to speculate… what’s tomorrow going to bring?


ApertureExpert Labor Day 50% Off Sale

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 3, 2013 - 2:00am

It’s been a while, and the rest of the country is on sale now, so why not jump on ye ol’ bandwagon…

For the next 24 hours (until Sept 03, 2103 at 10am PST) get a whopping 50% off (yes, fifty… not five, not fiddy, but a full-on gosh-golly-gee-williker FIFTY percent off) for the next 24 hours. That’s 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds to get your half-price goodies. (You don’t have to download right away, just place the order).


Catapult and Aperture 3

Tim Kennedy's picture
August 29, 2013 - 4:01am
First time guest contributor Tim Kennedy shares with us a description, tutorial and explanation of how he uses Catapult, a plugin by Brushed Pixel to allow simple integration of alternate raw converters into your Aperture workflow. But as you’ll see in Tim’s article, with Catapult, there’s more than meets the eye.

Digital Camera RAW Update 4.08 for Aperture and iPhoto, with Leica M Monochrom Support!

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 24, 2013 - 4:00am

It’s time for another Camera RAW update, and this one includes one that a select few people have been very, very anxious for — the Leica M Monochrom.

Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 4.08

As always, just run Software Update or launch the App Store to get the latest software, or you can also get to it at

Here’s a list of supported cameras.

  • Canon EOS 70D
  • Fujifilm X-M1
  • Leica M
  • Leica M Monochrom
  • Nikon COOLPIX P330
  • Pentax 645D
  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1R
  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II

Click through for a close look at the Leica Monochrom files, comparing the in-camera JPEG conversion to the Aperture DNG decode to the Lightroom DNG decode. The differences may surprise you.

NOTE: This page may take a while to load as it’s heavy on the big screenshots[more]



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