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Hardware: Mevo Cameras

Everything you need to go live in one camera! The Mevo Start and Mevo Multicam make it easy and affordable to go live anywhere at any time.

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What am I taking to Sweden? And, an epiphan X2 vs Wirecast Streaming Test

I'm leaving for a family holiday next week, trying to balance out what I take between just being dad and still being a photographer/filmmaker/YouTuber. Packing for work and vacation at the same time… Also, today's show is dual-streamed from Wirecast (as I normally would) and the epiphan X2. Let's see which is better quality and/or lower latency!


What’s in my bag? Practical Packing for Possibilities

I never pack the same bag twice… what's in it this time? You can't anticipate everything in your day. Some times you will see the perfect shot… and not be prepared. So how do you pack a bag to be ready for what can't be anticipated?


Driving and Streaming With the Mevo Event Camera

Ever have a day where inspiration just doesn't come? That was the case with today's show. Combine that with technical details, and you have a recipe for shooting-from-the-hip… Luckily, Joseph is a pro. What started out as a Reddit-Style AMA quickly became a test of the Mevo's ability to be a car-vlog camera. It would be a decent option… if only there was cell-reception.


Product Review: Testing the Mevo - Streaming to YouTube Beta

I downloaded the Mevo beta (cleverly publicly available on their Facebook page!) and am testing out going straight to YouTube, using the simplest of setups… just the Mevo (no Boost), my iPhone for data, and a lav mic wired into the iPhone. Let's see how this looks and sounds!



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