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Intermediate Tips

Really Smart Photos with onOne and Aperture

Tim Kennedy's picture
December 24, 2014 - 9:00pm

The advantage of Aperture’s Round Trip is that it keeps all your work packaged up neatly in an easy-to-handle Library. One of the disadvantages is that many of the plug-ins that work with Aperture’s Library also fix their results permanently upon exit. If you wish to go back and tweak later, you’re stuck with starting over with your last Aperture version. The latest version of onOne Software's Perfect Photo Suite 9 aims to address that.


How to Sort Photos in the Import Window in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
December 10, 2014 - 9:00pm
Have you ever scratched your head at what you’re seeing in the import dialog… positive you have newer work than what’s there, or that the image on the bottom simply isn’t the most recent photo you shot? Read on to see how to sort the images on your card in the import window.


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