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Platform: iOS

Great Spot Retouching in "Photo Editor+" by Axiem

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 9, 2015 - 9:00pm
One of my most missed features from iPhoto for iOS is the retouching brush. Often I want to remove a little blemish from a photo, and Photos for iOS doesn’t have this. I recently discovered “Photo Editor+” by Axiom, and while it’s a complete editing tool, the retouching brush is the one thing I want to focus on here.

Afterlight for iOS; a Quick Look

PhotoJoseph's picture
December 17, 2014 - 9:00pm
“Afterlight” is a powerful photo editing app featuring filters, textures, light leaks, masks and more. And of course, you can access it from the Photos app via Extensions.

Who's Got an App?

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 4, 2014 - 12:38am
Got an app you want talked about on the site? The age of sponsored posts is upon us. Three tiers, starting with free, are available to developers. Click through to read the details.

Viewing Image Metadata in Photos and iOS 8

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 6, 2014 - 5:49pm
One of the features iPhoto for iOS users loved was the ability to see your image metadata — the exposure, date and time of capture, and if GPS data was embedded, where the photo was shot. This feature disappeared with iPhoto, and Photos for iOS doesn’t (yet) have it. Fortunately at least two third parties have stepped in to fill the void.


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