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Platform: Windows

How to Edit Unsupported RAW Files in Mylio

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 28, 2015 - 9:00pm
If you’re using Mylio, and shooting with a camera that doesn’t yet have RAW support, there’s a simple workaround! This post includes a bunch of workflow tips as well, and worth checking out even if your camera is fully supported by mylio today.

The Wonderful World of Local Backups (Part 2 of 2)

Matthew Morse's picture
August 10, 2015 - 9:00pm

In my last post, I began a review of several of the local backup options that I have employed over recent recent years, starting with a simple external hard drive and moving onto Drobos. In this post, I’ll review two additional options I’ve explored and setup: Time Capsule and a Network-attached Storage (NAS) device (in this case, setup as a RAID array).



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