
Aperture 3.1 + iLife ‘11 Slideshows, plus Publishing to YouTube Tips

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 25, 2010 - 1:00am

As you may have heard, if you upgrade to both Aperture 3.1 and iLife ‘11, you gain all the exciting new slide show themes that Steve showed on stage for iPhoto ‘11—inside of Aperture! I’ve just installed mine, and there’s a load of new themes.

Here’s a complete list of Slideshow themes. Themes with the ** next to them are new… there’s six of ‘em!


Aperture 3.1 New “Choose an Aperture Library” Dialog

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 25, 2010 - 12:44am

I missed this one on the original review, and it’s a subtle but welcome improvement. The so-called “Choose an Aperture Library” dialog (yeah, I dug into the manual to see what Apple called it), which you can call up by holding down the Option key on launch, or by selecting the menu File > Switch to Library > Other/New…, has seen an overhaul.

If you use both Aperture 3 and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3, this is a script you can’t be without. It will automatically export a Master RAW file from Aperture, and open it directly in Lightroom.
This powerful AppleScript allows you to convert a non-critical Master file into another space-saving format, i.e. RAW to JPEG. If your Library is bloated with RAW files you don’t necessarily need but can’t bring yourself to throw away, this AppleScript is the compromise you’ve been looking for. Reclaim up to 80% of your storage!
This simple AppleScript tells you how many MB — or GB — any selection of images is taking up on your hard drive, and is very helpful in making decisions of where to use the “Convert Master File Format” AppleScript.

Multiple External Editors in Aperture 3—a Work-around

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 1, 2010 - 6:34pm

The ability to have multiple external editors in Aperture 3 is an oft-asked for feature, and hopefully it will come properly in a future release. What we really want is to ability to have a list of external editors to choose from, just like we have a list of plug-ins to choose from, right? But in the meantime, we need a work-around. Here’s one I’ve come up with. It’s not ideal, but with a little setup it can be relatively quick and painless to execute.

Basically, create a folder and fill it with aliases of all the applications you might want to configure Aperture to open in, make that folder easy to get to, and then when you need to switch, open the Preferences in Aperture, and the list of apps is only a click away.

Here’s a step-by-step…


Understanding Luminance vs RGB in Auto Levels & Curves, and Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 30, 2010 - 9:34pm

Aperture 3 is full of fantastic Adjustments that you can apply to your images. It’s also full of fantastic keyboard shortcuts. And better still, you can make your own keyboard shortcuts for nearly any command that you like. But what happens when there’s no command to apply a keyboard shortcut to? Why, you make one, of course!

In this tutorial, we’ll look first at understanding auto Levels and auto Curves, then at creating Adjustment Presets for them, and finally at applying Keyboard Commands (shortcuts) to the lot of them. Let’s get started!


Finding Adjusted Images in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 14, 2010 - 6:06am

Recently in the forums, a user asked about how to find the images in their library that they’d spent time working on already. (The reason in this case was to locate all images from a recent iPhoto conversion that they’d adjusted, so they could get rid of everything else and start over with a new strategy—but maintain the work they’d already done).

One of Aperture core strengths is its searching capabilities. You can search by just about anything in Aperture, and combine search criteria to perform exceedingly precise searches, and even save those as Smart Albums that will update in real-time as your library changes.

In this case, the search criteria is just one option away—Adjustments.


Importing to Aperture as Referenced—with Drag and Drop

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 11, 2010 - 9:11am
By now you all know that you can drag-and-drop files into Aperture to import them. That imports them as Managed (meaning the master file is stored inside the Aperture Library). But did you know that you can drag-and-drop files into Aperture and have them imported as referenced? It’s a simple trick, and you already know how…

Aperture Has Tabs—Easily Compare Projects

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 8, 2010 - 12:29pm

We’re all familiar with tabs in Safari and Firefox, but did you know that Aperture has tabs, too?

You can not only have stacked tabs, but even better, open two tabs (just two, sorry) side-by-side. All it takes is an option-click.

Here’s a series of commands and results:

Side by Side Tabs

Select a Project. Option-click a second project. You’ll see this:

Option-Click to open two projects in two tabs side-by-side. (click to view screenshot larger)

Once those two tabs are open, you can click in either window to make that “in focus”, then select any other project, and it will load into that tab. Close the tab with the (x) in the tab itself. Also notice that the two tabs can show the images in different sizes.


From Aperture to SmugMug to Squarespace

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 31, 2010 - 7:12am

I’ve been a long-time SmugMug user, and have always appreciated the quality of their service. The fact that I can sell prints to clients without having to do anything other than watch my bank account grow, and that when you send a question to their tech support, real people respond — and quickly — makes it a fantastic service. It’s not free, but as they say—you get what you pay for.

There are a couple of plug-ins for Aperture that allow you to upload to SmugMug directly, and I’ve always used ApertureToSmugMug, which was OK… bare-bones, but it worked. My frustration with SmugMug and the plug-in (and this hasn’t changed, as you’ll see in a moment) is that I have to make changes in several places to complete my gallery upload, before it’s ready to share with a client, my blog, or whatever.


Recently the author of SmuginProForAperture, Richard Laing, contacted me and asked if I’d have a look at his new plug-in. Regrettably I kept shoving the email to the bottom of my inbox, in one those “I know, I know… I will” continuous moments. Today though I needed to upload some images to SmugMug for a client and decided that was a great time to try out Richard’s new plug-in!

In fact, I liked it so much that it quickly earned the coveted Command-S keyboard shortcut in Aperture. Since there is no Save in Aperture, this is the closest thing to “saving” a photo I could think of! And it really is “saving” it, isn’t it… saving it to the cloud.



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