Pixelmator on Sale $14.99 (75% Off!)
By PhotoJoseph
August 10, 2012 - 4:29am
For those who’ve been procrastinating on picking up Pixelmator, the superbly reviewed (4.5 star average for all versions!) alternative to Photoshop that’s normally $59.99 is now just $14.99 on the App Store [affiliate link].
Personally I hadn’t bought it, being reluctant to spend the $60 when I already had Photoshop, but for $15 it’s a steal. I look forward to working with it and seeing if I can replace Photoshop for my modest out-of-Aperture needs.
on August 10, 2012 - 4:45am
As I recall, the main reason I had not purchased Pixelmator in the past was because it could not handle tiffs at more than 8 bits. This, I believe, was a limitation of apple’s core graphics support. Does anyone know if this is still true for this new version running on mountain lion?
on August 10, 2012 - 5:19am
Looking forward to maybe some live training on it once you get it….
on August 10, 2012 - 7:23am
Pixelmator is still 8 bit in ML.
on August 10, 2012 - 10:10am
I went from Windows XP and Photoshop 5 to OSX ,couldn’t justify or afford to purchase a Mac copy of Photoshop. I purchased the first version Pixlemator on the web and loved it. And repurchased the new version in the Mac app store for $14.99 a month ago. I use Aperture 3 for the majority of my post production, but Pixelmator is a great addition for those occasional needs. The new version still will not handle 16 bit tiff, thats not been a big problem for me. But Im just a hobby photographer.
G. Mitchell
on August 10, 2012 - 10:16pm
I almost bought it when it was $29.99 at the app store several months ago, but I held off. When it dropped to $14.99 a couple of weeks ago I jumped at it. My problem is learning how to use it, we need a great tutorial to help teach what it can do. I have watched most of the tutorials that they have, but most still leave me scratching my head. I probably just Ned to use it more. Love the interface.
on August 11, 2012 - 6:02am
Unfortunately, I still need the full version of Photoshop (as well as other tools in the CS6 Master Edition), but I still went ahead and purchased Pixelmator. $14.99 is too sweet to pass up and thanks to the App Store policies, I can install it on all of my “non-workstation” Macs where it’s more efficient than Photoshop and can still do most of what I need, especially when on the road. Plus it makes sense to have for supporting friends and family (for whom I’d highly recommend this app).
on August 12, 2012 - 12:00pm
@Mark Alderson, Mark I found some good video tutorials on You Tube. Do a “Pixelmator Tutorial” Search in Google also.
G. Mitchell