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Pixelmator on Sale $14.99 (75% Off!)

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 10, 2012 - 4:29am

For those who’ve been procrastinating on picking up Pixelmator, the superbly reviewed (4.5 star average for all versions!) alternative to Photoshop that’s normally $59.99 is now just $14.99 on the App Store [affiliate link].

Personally I hadn’t bought it, being reluctant to spend the $60 when I already had Photoshop, but for $15 it’s a steal. I look forward to working with it and seeing if I can replace Photoshop for my modest out-of-Aperture needs.

Apple Aperture

As I recall, the main reason I had not purchased Pixelmator in the past was because it could not handle tiffs at more than 8 bits. This, I believe, was a limitation of apple’s core graphics support. Does anyone know if this is still true for this new version running on mountain lion?

Looking forward to maybe some live training on it once you get it….

Pixelmator is still 8 bit in ML.

I went from Windows XP and Photoshop 5 to OSX ,couldn’t justify or afford to purchase a Mac copy of Photoshop. I purchased the first version Pixlemator on the web and loved it. And repurchased the new version in the Mac app store for $14.99 a month ago. I use Aperture 3 for the majority of my post production, but Pixelmator is a great addition for those occasional needs. The new version still will not handle 16 bit tiff, thats not been a big problem for me. But Im just a hobby photographer.

G. Mitchell

I almost bought it when it was $29.99 at the app store several months ago, but I held off. When it dropped to $14.99 a couple of weeks ago I jumped at it. My problem is learning how to use it, we need a great tutorial to help teach what it can do. I have watched most of the tutorials that they have, but most still leave me scratching my head. I probably just Ned to use it more. Love the interface.

Unfortunately, I still need the full version of Photoshop (as well as other tools in the CS6 Master Edition), but I still went ahead and purchased Pixelmator. $14.99 is too sweet to pass up and thanks to the App Store policies, I can install it on all of my “non-workstation” Macs where it’s more efficient than Photoshop and can still do most of what I need, especially when on the road. Plus it makes sense to have for supporting friends and family (for whom I’d highly recommend this app).

@Mark Alderson, Mark I found some good video tutorials on You Tube. Do a “Pixelmator Tutorial” Search in Google also.

G. Mitchell

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