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Aperture 3.6 Release Notes and RAW engine v6

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 20, 2014 - 9:00pm

Just a few news items about our most recent Aperture update…

Aperture 3.6 Release Notes

The Apple Knowledge Base article that outlines version update features has been updated for Aperture 3.6. According to that, here's the full list of Aperture 3.6 updates:

  • Adds compatibility with OS X Yosemite.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture performance to slow down while browsing through images with onscreen proofing enabled.
  • Fixes an issue where Aperture could become unresponsive in rare cases when adding to a shared photo stream.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to unexpectedly quit when using the Write IPTC Metadata to Originals feature.
  • Aperture no longer displays the alert, “This library has been opened with a newer version of Aperture.” when using Library First Aid with libraries previously opened in iPhoto.

If you'd seen any of those issues pop up before, let us know if this in fact fixing them. I think most of this though will go unnoticed.

Some have reported snappier performance since upgrading to Yosemite and Aperture 3.6, which is always a welcome thing to hear.

Also I've heard zero complaints on the upgrade so far. By all means if you notice issues, do report them here, but this appears to be a clean transition — which is saying a lot, given that we have an entirely new OS!

RAW Decode Version 6.00

It would appear that we're looking at a new RAW decode engine in Aperture 3.6. Many of you by now have noticed that when looking at some previously imported RAW files, the “Reprocess” button may be showing up.

Are you seeing this RAW decode “reprocess” button? That means new raw goodness is waiting behind door number 1!

I don't have a list of which cameras will and won't require an update; I can however verify that Canon EOD 1Ds Mk III, 5D, and 5D Mk II files all got updates. My LUMIX GH4, GM1 and GX7 files however did not.

We can verify that this is in fact a new RAW engine by checking the Aperture “about” box, which shows 

Digital Camera RAW is now at version 6.00

What does this tell us? Likely that we're seeing some of the new RAW decode technologies demonstrated at WWDC, although there's really no way to verify that. Regardless it should just be good news all around!

I have heard at least one report of a slider moving in their RAW Fine Tuning adjustment brick for their particular camera; I believe it was a Nikon. If you're seeing any difference, do let us know in the comments!

Apple Aperture

Just as a short tip about how to check and compare:

If you create a new version instead of choosing to reprocess - you will get a version with the new engine besides of the unchanged version using the old engine.

I've not spend much time on it yet, but I've seen differences with my RX100II - the high ISO noise reduction did create less artifacts in V6.00

Thanks for pointing that out Jochen! Very true.

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I can also confirm that “Reprocess Originals” will in fact upgrade the raw processing engine on all the selected images.

Hi people. Still having problems: in grid mode I can see every picture, but in some cases when I tried to see just one picture, start to loading and then: unsupported format or the screen turn and black and I cant see the picture or editing… and Aperture just turn slow, ver slow and the only thing that can I do its Force Quit.

Anyone the same? any solution?

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Incorrect “unsupported format” messages are often due to a library that needs repair. Run some repair routines and see if anything gets better. 

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joseph, thanks for your quick reply. I tried, and tried and nothings happens. The things is that in Mavericks works perfectly. The problem is in Yosemite. Only in some pictures, not in all of them - sorry my english btw -


Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

OK Lisandro, let's try something else. Export some of the problem images as a new library, and open that. If it still shows black, create another new library, and import those same photos, see if that works.

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I am having the same exact problem, only started with Aperture. Suddenly random images would come up with “Unsupported” No ryhme or reason. I have already tried the steps you have mentioned but it makes no difference. The files are fine, I export the raws from aperture and they open and process fine in LightRoom. 

It is something to do with the way that apple is decoding the raws because if you try to open the raw in any other program program that uses apples code like Preview you get similar issues.

Trying to open these files in aperture actually crashes it on my machine. And they open fine on a Mac running Mavericks. 

Ok. I can export only the original files (RAW format), not the version (JPG format) of them. Instead of that,  its impossible to edit or view those photos. So… 

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Lisandro, you misunderstand me. Export a project that has RAW files in it that don't work, as a new library.

Open that library and see if the problem is still there.

If it is, export the originals…

…then create a NEW empty library, and import those photos again, to see if they work now, or if they still show as unsupported.

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Joseph, good morning… happens the same…. :-( I don’t know why. In Mavericks works perfectly. I tried trough a external disk, copying the Library to my MBP, even reinstalling Aperture or erasing any plugin such VSCO, but nothing seems to work.

Again, thanks for your patience, sorry my english.

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

What if you create a new empty library and import some of those non-working originals into that? Does this new library show the same problem?

I did that. And dones work either. Just export the non-work original RAW miles, created a new empty Library, import them, and nothing: the images appears as Unssuported Format.

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Lisandro, what is the format, anyway? I don't think you said. Why don't you upload one of your RAW files here (or link me via dropbox) and I'll try it myself.

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BTW, im trying for any way to avoid install Lightroom… just hold and hold not to do that because just love Aperture… any news about Photos app?

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Regarding Photos app: The current state is:

1) new Photos app for iOS is out since iOS 8.0

2) iCloud Photo Library is in Beta since iOS 8.1

3) iCloud Photo Library has a new Web app (as rumored before) since this monday

4) Apple Camera RAW 6.00 is out with Aperture 3.6 (as promised for Yosemite)

5) Photos for Mac is still due to spring 2015

Checked out my Olympus E-30 and E-M1 and they require no reprocessing.

Ok guys. Seems to be working now. What I did? Trash Apertures preferences and Aperture folder inside Application Support. Open Aperture, the Library with problems, reprocess all the pictures with previous problems and… voilá! Now show them properly.

I hope continue like this. Thanks for all your help!

ah! and reinstall Yosemite too!!!! :-P

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

Oh wow! OK, that's definitely an odd fix. Thanks so much for updating us. I'm sure this will help others.

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Tried it on my machine and it does not work.

OK thanks, I know this is being investigated now.

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Lisandro, a couple of follow-up questions for you now that it's fixed…

  1. What version of Aperture were you using before the upgrade to 3.6?
  2. Did you try the “reprocess” command? I don't recall suggesting that, silly enough.
  3. Camera make and model of the affected files, please!

thanks :-) 

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Previous version was 3.5.x dont remember well.

Tried the reprocess, all the time. Doesnt work either.

Sony a99. 


Thanks again!

Lisandro M. Enrique
Wedding and Sweet Fifteen Photographer / Argentina

OK, thanks

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So Joseph. Nice change over to your new site. Have you checked out Adobe’s new transition from Aperture to LR? If so, what do you think? I will continue to wait for Photos 2015 and hope that it will continue the good with the new.  However, I am not confident that Apple will fully support my Nikon D810. Their most recent Camera Raw only supports the “Raw Large” files and not the other types. I think that this is a problem.  I understand that LR and PS do support these files. Back to the first question. Thanks. Jon


So Joseph. Nice change over to your new site. Have you checked out Adobe’s new transition from Aperture to LR? If so, what do you think? I will continue to wait for Photos 2015 and hope that it will continue the good with the new.  However, I am not confident that Apple will fully support my Nikon D810. Their most recent Camera Raw only supports the “Raw Large” files and not the other types. I think that this is a problem.  I understand that LR and PS do support these files. Back to the first question. Thanks. Jon


Jon, AFAIK, Adobe’s  Aperture>Lr will not transfer any Smart Albums that you have set up and that any photos that you have made adjustments on and work on and like the end result will have to be “baked,” which I think means you need  to save it separately as a jpeg.  All of your hard work on a particular photos will be lost in the transfer.  Joseph, correct me if I am mistaken


Florian Cortese

It is mainly a way to bring over the DAM parts of Aperture to Lightroom. Things like color labels get encoded to keywords. There is absolutely no transfer of anything “smart”: neither smart albums nor any kind of adjustment.

The response has been mediocre so far - it seems to be quite buggy and ratings show that.

To me it is the wrong approach for anyone beyond simple hobbyist Aperture libraries.

Regarding the Aperture to Lightroom converter — I was in the beta but I have to admit I never once tried it. I followed the conversations and decided not to get into it. Lots of problems, even in the release version, but certainly if/when it works, there's only so much that it can do. The structure is completely different and of course adjustments are, as Florian said, baked into accompanying JPEG files (maybe you can choose format; I don't know). I've spent a fair amount of time looking into the transition and have largely concluded that it's not worth doing.

I think that worst case, if you wanted to jump to Lr, you should just start fresh, and when Photos is released, migrate your Aperture library to Photos, even if only to ensure you can open it years from now. Of course at the moment my advice is to simply continue using Aperture, which is what I'm doing. 

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Thanks. Stay the course.

Thanks. Stay the course.

Florian Cortese

I’m experiencing MAJOR changes to RAW photos reprocessed from my Canon 7D using 3.6. The brightness shifts way to the right, and will trigger HOT highlight areas. In the past, re-processing cause subtle changes to RAW files. There is something wrong here, and I see that another member experienced this brightness increase with his Nikon D700. There is obviously a problem here. Wish I could figure out how to show you the images, but believe me, there is a BIG difference.


Phil in Midland

Flipkal, when you do a reprocess be sure to create a new version, then you can take a screenshot and upload that here if you want to show it.

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Here is a RAW image from a Canon 7D, that has not been reprocessed:

Image before reprocessing

After reprocessing in AP 3.6 Camera Raw 6.0 Build 761.5, the highlights are blown:

Phil in Midland

Wow, big difference. And you're seeing that consistently with your 7D images?

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Here are the histograms and RAW settings before and after reprocessing. I saw this consistently for my 7D RAW images on my MacBook Air. I looked at the same files on my iMac expecting to see the same thing (I can’t swear that I observed the same behavior on the iMac). Well, I did NOT see the same thing happening on the iMac. Hmmm, I’m gonna have to think about this, unless you have any ideas. Thanks! Here are the histograms:

Before reprocessing the RAW file…
After reprocessing.


Phil in Midland

That's really odd. I suppose there could be a graphics card bug. Weird. I'll pass this along, thanks.

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I’ve check the iMac’s and MBA’s AP3.6 builds and camera RAW versions. Both match. I exported/created a small library of RAW’s on the iMac that needed reprocessing. I opened this library on the MBA, and saw the aberrant behavior (intense  brightening). On the iMac these same images reprocessed with no issues. 

iMac graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB

MBA graphics card: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB

I’ll continue to test and check things out. I do most of my AP work on the iMac, so the impact of this issue on me is minimal at this point. 

Only files effected are the 7D RAW’s. My G15 RAW files did not need any reprocessing.

Thanks a lot!


Phil in Midland

Thanks for those details!

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You’re very welcome. Sean from Apple contacted me and I’ve sent him the info and files he requested. Thanks for passing this on.


Phil in Midland

Had the same problem (7D images getting very bright when reprocessing). AFAIR as it turned out I had a custom setting for RAW fine tuning in 3.5 that would not work correctly in 3.6. I made a new preset turning “boost” way down to 20 percent or so. Now it looks good again. 

OK Jason, so to be sure I understand for YOU, you had a custom setting prior to 3.5, so 3.6 without the custom setting looked dramatically different… which would of course be expected. Did you happen to compare any 3.5 with the default setting to 3.6 default? 

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Not exactly. I had “boost” down to 50 percent in 3.5. Reprocessing did not alter that. Only when I reapplied “automatic” improvement (which worked pretty well before) on pics in 3.6 they turned really bright. If I use the “Apple” preset in RAW fine tuning in 3.6 it worked as in 3.5: Pics get too vivid for my taste, highs blown out and all but no overall shift to overly bright.

OK so it sounds like in general (before and after the 3.6 update) that the default wasn't to your taste. Fair enough. But not an inherent problem with the upgrade, right?

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While we’re at it: I noticed another change in the way 3.6 applies adjustments. In 3.5, I took to tune done blown highlights via Curves using extended range, pushing the white point to the right. In 3.6, I saw that this method changed colors, most remarkably skin colors in a undesirable way. Using „Recovery“ instead does not alter colors but - as seen in Curves diagram - brings the histogram to the left to fall into standard range.

That is probably a difference between having Curves set to RGB vs Luminance. It's a dramatic difference.

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I had Curves set to RGB all the time, so this can not explain the different behavior. 

Man Joseph, I just want to say that I don’t know what the hell we would do without you!  So very, very appreciative of all of the support and teaching and caring!


Florian Cortese


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